Ultimately, we develop and build our client’s strongest employees, help struggling employees gracefully exit, and work with recruiters to source leaders to grow your company.

Privately owned / private equity Asia-Focused businesses where the ultimate beneficiaries are either looking to exit (sell) the business or drive transformational change.

  • Manufacturers of finished goods or component parts
  • Product distribution
  • Consumer retailers

Businesses that have chronically fallen short of expectation:

  • or where there is a key leadership gap and help is needed and wanted.

Businesses where the ownership structure and goals are clear:

  • Western owned businesses with operations in Asia
  • Family owned Asia businesses with an uncertain exit strategy
  • Privately equity / privately held companies that are falling short of profit or / key metrics
  • Related businesses needing due diligence or advisory that could lead to long term support

Smooth Management Transition

Ultimately, we will develop and build our client’s strongest employees, help struggling employees gracefully exit, and, based on their organizational culture, work with recruiters to source employees that can continue to move your company or an acquirer to the next level.


An experienced, aligned, senior team that takes complete ownership and accountability in improving a client’s business, completing and exit and transition to new ownership, and, as needed, providing advisory and governance support from due diligence to exit.