We are paid to produce results not advice

We charge a monthly retainer (generally the cost of one or two senior executives that we substitute) and earn a success fee by driving a mutually agreed upon critical business turn‐around metric in order to materially improve or exit your business. By earning our pay through success, we operate like business owners and partners, but work at an arm’s length allowing you far greater savings, flexibility, and transparency.

Bring unbiased experienced to difficult or un‐resourced chronic business problems

Rather than hire a team of advisors or recruit a new C-Suite, our unique value is assuming key leadership roles, developing a holistic look on the business situation, and, depending on the owner’s goals, re-positioning the business back to profitable and growing or to a stress-free profitable exit. Additionally, we offer ‘pure’ advisory where we serve on boards, work as “shadow CEOs “and help fix specific business issues. Philosophically, we pursue a hybrid model of employees and trusted contractors wherein our client may contract for one of us, however, gets the support from the broader team and the choice to contract with our partners. In all cases, our goal is to align our interests with our sponsors by charging a nominal retainer and creating an earn-out wherein we all share in success.

‘Unstick’ businesses with poor results or no exit plans with results ownership

Our timeline often starts with advisory due diligence (commercial, operational, and HR), to develop the strategy and planning followed by execution. By using our turn-around skills, we align our interests to owner profitability both in client and invested companies.

Minimize client risk having worked as ‘traditional’ CEOs and Regional General Managers

Having worked as ‘traditional’ CEOs and Regional General Managers, we have learned that being the boss is often lonely and lacks support. Our client contract frames a win-win mandate and our employee/advisor team keeps client costs down and success incentives aligned.   Between the financial and product support our analysts give and the deep functional experience our advisors offer, our CEOs can work through complex issues efficiently. Second, our senior advisors, in turn, not only support the CEO, but can be made available to our clients if complex legal, accounting, human resource, or technology situations emerge.